The new programme budgeting methodology which is being created by the Project should be the basis for drafting reports on judiciary performance. Beneficial effects of this kind of reporting include: availability of key information on the number of received, resolved and pending court cases, identification of the maximum working capacities and workload distribution among the active judges and court staff, as well as an insight into their individual performance with regard to raising the quality and promptness of service provision to citizens. Having in mind the purposes that the programme budgeting methodology should serve – on the one hand, to be the tool for securing sufficient budget for the judiciary, and on the other, to enable the optimal functioning of courts with the available resources – it is necessary to measure and monitor performance indicators: management of court cases and court’s resources, along with tracking the amount of time spent, the number of resolved / pending cases, reasons for delays in the functioning of the courts, etc. The proof of performance is evident in the measurable data on the number of resolved cases in a particular period of time per judge / court and in the judiciary in general at the annual level.

Information on judiciary performance constitutes a tool and the trump card in negotiations with the Ministry of Finance, the goal of which is securing sufficient resources for the budget of judicial institutions.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13